steve harvey reaction memes

You know things are bad when a guy can fully drop kick a woman in a parking lot and the only thing people say is, "Wow, we should really all get back inside."

When Cumberland Mall in Atlanta, Georgia started reopening earlier this week, locals were so eager to get inside and get a Cinnabon that a fight broke out in the parking lot between three women.

A security guard was having trouble breaking up the catfight, so one of the women's boyfriend came in like a pro wrestler and drop kicked the hell out of one unfortunate lady.

The video went viral, apparently because that mall is known to incite wild behavior in shoppers, but no one seemed to care that a woman had her life stomped out.

fight dropkick cumberland mall atlanta georgia you know what he was kinda gentle about it. see I knew I wan't the only one who noticed that he out here passively drop kicking bitches in the name of love. twitter tweet

Instead, people just shook their heads at the incident and went about their day.

So we're just letting dudes get away with drop kicking women in the face now? OK.